
to move

Sphere and Features

loca­ti­on-inde­pen­dent‭, ‬ful­ly self-sus­tained‭,‬
mini­ma­li­zed micro­sen­sors
for an acce­le­ra­ted and
more effec­ti­ve pro­cess development

wireless‭ ‬recharging

rep­le­nish for‭ ‬mul­ti­ple use


gene­ra­te data‭ ‬wit­hout inter­fe­ring‭ ‬with your system

online data

wire­less and‭ ‬online trans­mis­si­on‭ ‬of pro­cess data

flow following

even­ly dis­tri­bu­tes in your reac­tion system

highly parallelised

up to 24‭ ‬Sens-o-Sphe­res‭ ‬per mea­su­re­ment system‭ ‬

compact design

tem­pe­ra­tu­re acqui­si­ti­on‭ ‬on the size of a cher­ry pit


Enables mea­su­re­ment‭ ‬
in moving systems

Online data in the blink
of an eye through wire­less
com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on‭ ‬‬

Vali­da­te your sys­tems‭ ‬
of dai­ly use


Make your mea­su­re­ment versatile

4‭ ‬x Sens-o-Sphe­res for your instal­la­ti­on-free mea­su­re­ments‭. ‬Upgrade to the num­ber of sen­sors sui­ta­ble for your application‭.‬


Con­trol your sen­sors everywhere

Trans­cei­ver with user inter­face‭. ‬Start­ing point for your mea­su­re­ment with Sens-o-Sphe­res‭. ‬Ser­ves up to 24‭ ‬sen­sors simultaneously‭. ‬


Keep your sys­tem recharged

4‭ ‬wells to rech­ar­ge your Sens-o-Sphe­res for mul­ti­ple uses‭. ‬Wire­less char­ging enables a clean design‭. ‬

Run­timeAt least 48‭ ‬h
Inter­vals10‭ ‬s
Life cyclesUp to 10‭ ‬times
Distance to GatewayUp to 5‭ ‬m in a labo­ra­to­ry environment
Reac­tor requirementsRadio trans­mis­si­ble win­dow Reac­tors up to pilot scale
Mea­su­re­ment range10‭ ‬°C to 60‭ ‬°C
Accu­ra­cy±‭ ‬0.5‭ ‬°C*‭ ‬at 35‭ ‬°C
Reso­lu­ti­on0.0625‭ ‬°C
Respon­se Time‭ (‬τ63‭)‬30‭ ‬s